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Subscribe to The Christchurch Ballet Society

We encourage others who have a passion for dance to join us by becoming members of the Society.  
As a member you will receive:

  • discounted workshops and events
  • opportunities for non competitive performance; Evening of Dance
  • South Island Ballet Award; providing a pathway for dancers to further their training towards a career as a professional dancer
  • ballet floor hire; with discounted rate for members
  • promotion of performance events for Dance School membership
  • Training and Development Grants
  • Tertiary Grants
  • Website listing for Dance Schools and affiliated organisations
  • Birthday cards for members under 20
  • information on local, regional and national events
  • affiliated  partners including Performance Coaching and Counselling, Dance Podiatrist, Registered Dietitian

Want to become a member or keep your subscription up to date?

  • Membership form and account payment details are available via the following link:  CLICK HERE 

Note: Membership fees are due on 1 May. Membership is due Annually. 

Membership options include:
  • Single Membership  $5
  • Family Membership $10
  • Teacher Membership $20
  • Dance School Membership $25
  • Corporate | Organisation $25

Thank you we look forward to having you join our CBS community.