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Floor Hire

The Christchurch Ballet Society offers Dance Tarquet flooring for hire. This resource is available for organisations performing in Christchurch.

Harlequin Cascade vinyl dance and performance floor is ideal for ballet, contemporary, modern and theatrical use, as well - See more at: http://aus.harlequinfloors.com/en/products-services//floors-overview/vinyl-floors/harlequin-cascade#sthash.SCLlO3sq.dpuf

Our Harlequin dance and performance floor is ideal for ballet, contemporary, modern and theatrical use.
We have brand new & existing flooring available for short term hire i.e. duration of a production/show.
Discounted tarquet floor hire rates are available to Teachers who are members of the Christchurch Ballet Society.

For more details & pricing please contact us via email in the first instance.


Other Contact Details

Sponsorship Email: cbs.sponsorship@hotmail.com